This year's positive results are all thanks to the efforts of PIKOM, MDEC, participating merchants, and all related partners. Not only did #MYCYBERSALE 2017 achieve its targets, it also exceeded expectations for its overall results.
This year is the 4th edition of #MYCYBERSALE where it is conducted over five days - from 9 to 13 October 2017. The previous editions were all organised under the management of the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), a world-first for a nationwide online sale campaign that is government-led.
With 2017, for the first time, The National ICT Association of Malaysia (PIKOM) has taken the lead to organise #MYCYBERSALE with MDEC providing support.
While you can refer to the previous #MYCYBERSALE results here, the latest 2017 edition will be presented here via this infographic. You can read through the easy-to-navigate sections or check out the full infographic instead.
These are the targets that have been set for #MYCYBERSALE 2017:
As for objectives, #MYCYBERSALE 2017 had to fulfill the following:
This year's positive results are all thanks to the efforts of PIKOM, MDEC, participating merchants, and all related partners. Not only did #MYCYBERSALE 2017 achieve its targets, it also exceeded expectations for its overall results:
Take note that most of the following analysis has been divided into:
These are the top 10 categories by local GMV (own store only):
These are the top 10 categories by export GMV (own store only):
From the Top 20, these are top 10 export countries as below (for own store only):
From the chart above, the following are the top 3 local purchase states (for own store):
Similarly, the next list covers the Top 3 local purchase states (for e-marketplaces):
From the bar chart, these are the Top 5 most preferred payment methods (for both own store and e-marketplaces):
Based on preference, Online Banking is higher on e-marketplaces (43.75%) VS online store (39.50%) in terms of related data.
Interestingly, shoppers make payment online via Desktop (52.18%) more than Mobile (44.18%) when shopping in a merchant's own-branded stores.
It is the other way around for e-marketplaces as Mobile (47.96%) is the more preferred platform to make online payments than Desktop (47.34%).
These are the top 3 most preferred local delivery methods:
These are the top 3 most preferred international delivery methods:
For own-store merchants, online orders peak on Day #1 and #5 during #MYCYBERSALE 2017. As for e-marketplaces, the trend is the total opposite as online orders peak on Day #3.
It is also interesting to note that the orders received by own-store merchants have peaked significantly from Pre-Sale to Day #1 and then declined drastically from Day #5 to Post-Sale. We can make a small conclusion here that #MYCYBERSALE did improve own-store merchants' sales more than those who operate within e-marketplaces.
It looks like Facebook is the runaway leader in the chart of most preferred marketing channels adopted by online merchants, specifically during #MYCYBERSALE 2017.
With close to 50% preference on Facebook, we can re-affirm from our study earlier on how advertisers are investing more on Facebook than Google in this part of the world.
Besides Facebook and own website, Google, Instagram and Email Marketing are the next most preferred marketing channels among e-commerce merchants.
Close to 25M traffic (unique visitors) visiting and making purchases on merchants' websites have been recorded during #MYCYBERSALE 2017. The daily traffic trends are very similar to the daily order trends that came out reported earlier.
On #MYCYBERSALE website itself (which acts more like an aggregator), the website traffic peaks on Day #5 of the campaign. Question: Is this due to last minute shopping?
As for the #MYCYBERSALE website, the following represents the top 10 most visited categories by pageviews:
Besides Malaysia, the top visiting countries are from Thailand, Philippines, Singapore and Indonesia. As expected website visitors are using Mobile (64.86%) more than Desktop (26.35%).
That's all for now, hope you find these #MYCYBERSALE results insightful and useful. Stay tuned as we are set to release another infographics compilation that compares the performance of #MYCYBERSALE 2017 VS its previous editions.
This infographic is compiled by ecInsider and designed by Silver Mouse. While the data is public and owned by PIKOM & MDEC, please contact us first if you wish to republish any part of the infographic above.
With 2017, for the first time, The National ICT Association of Malaysia (PIKOM) has taken the lead to organise #MYCYBERSALE with MDEC providing support.
While you can refer to the previous #MYCYBERSALE results here, the latest 2017 edition will be presented here via this infographic. You can read through the easy-to-navigate sections or check out the full infographic instead.
#MYCYBERSALE 2017 Targets & Objectives
These are the targets that have been set for #MYCYBERSALE 2017:
- Total Revenue (GMV): RM300M
- Export Revenue (GMV): RM20M
- No of Exporters: 360
- No of Countries: 10
As for objectives, #MYCYBERSALE 2017 had to fulfill the following:
- Generate online shopping demand from consumers (catalyst to boost e-shopping culture)
- Encourage sellers to be part of the e-commerce ecosystem (either as supplier to e-Marketplaces or own an e-storefront to meet the online shoppers' demand)
- To increase domestic & export e-commerce revenues (go above e-commerce spending in Malaysia so that it can be a nett exporter)
#MYCYBERSALE 2017 Overall Results
This year's positive results are all thanks to the efforts of PIKOM, MDEC, participating merchants, and all related partners. Not only did #MYCYBERSALE 2017 achieve its targets, it also exceeded expectations for its overall results:
- Total Revenue (GMV): RM311M (+3.7% of target)
- Export Revenue (GMV): RM39M (+95% of target)
- No of Exporters: 497 (+38% of target)
- No of Countries: 26 (+160% of target)
Take note that most of the following analysis has been divided into:
- Own Store (merchants who run their own-branded online store)
- eMarketplaces (or multi-categories e-commerce website)
Top 10 Categories by Local GMV (Own Store only)
These are the top 10 categories by local GMV (own store only):
- Health & Beauty (28.67%)
- Fashion (24.27%)
- Travel (19.57%)
- Groceries (10.42%)
- Electronics (5.14%)
- Gifts, Premiums & Souvenirs (3.63%)
- Books & Media (1.84%)
- Electronics Accessories (1.66%)
- Baby & Kids (1.16%)
- Food & Beverages (0.97%)
Top 10 Categories by Export GMV (Own Store only)
These are the top 10 categories by export GMV (own store only):
- Travel (86.70%)
- Fashion (10.88%)
- Gifts, Premiums & Souvenirs (1.67%)
- Home & Living (0.23%)
- Groceries (0.22%)
- Services (0.09%)
- Baby & Kids (0.06%)
- Health & Beauty (0.05%)
- Books & Media (0.04%)
- Electronics Accessories (0.01%)
Top 20 Export Countries (Own Store only)
From the Top 20, these are top 10 export countries as below (for own store only):
- Singapore (31.66%)
- USA (6.71%)
- Brunei (4.45%)
- Australia (4.03%)
- Others (3.97%)
- China (3.25%)
- Hong Kong (3.18%)
- India (2.00%)
- Taiwan (1.85%)
- Indonesia (1.67%)
Top Local Purchase States
From the chart above, the following are the top 3 local purchase states (for own store):
- Wilayah Persekutuan (KL)
- Selangor
- Johor
Similarly, the next list covers the Top 3 local purchase states (for e-marketplaces):
- Selangor
- Wilayah Persekutuan (KL)
- Pulau Pinang
Most Preferred Payment Methods
From the bar chart, these are the Top 5 most preferred payment methods (for both own store and e-marketplaces):
- Online Banking (FPX)
- Credit / Debit Card
- Others
- PayPal
- SenangPay
Based on preference, Online Banking is higher on e-marketplaces (43.75%) VS online store (39.50%) in terms of related data.
Most Used Devices for Payment
Interestingly, shoppers make payment online via Desktop (52.18%) more than Mobile (44.18%) when shopping in a merchant's own-branded stores.
It is the other way around for e-marketplaces as Mobile (47.96%) is the more preferred platform to make online payments than Desktop (47.34%).
Most Preferred Delivery Methods
These are the top 3 most preferred local delivery methods:
- Next Day Delivery (66.00%)
- Same Day Delivery (10.72%)
- Pre-Order (6.77%)
These are the top 3 most preferred international delivery methods:
- Poslaju (35.19%)
- Others (33.29%)
- DHL / FedEx / SF Express (25.79%)
Daily Trend by Order #
For own-store merchants, online orders peak on Day #1 and #5 during #MYCYBERSALE 2017. As for e-marketplaces, the trend is the total opposite as online orders peak on Day #3.
It is also interesting to note that the orders received by own-store merchants have peaked significantly from Pre-Sale to Day #1 and then declined drastically from Day #5 to Post-Sale. We can make a small conclusion here that #MYCYBERSALE did improve own-store merchants' sales more than those who operate within e-marketplaces.
Most Used Marketing Channels
It looks like Facebook is the runaway leader in the chart of most preferred marketing channels adopted by online merchants, specifically during #MYCYBERSALE 2017.
With close to 50% preference on Facebook, we can re-affirm from our study earlier on how advertisers are investing more on Facebook than Google in this part of the world.
Besides Facebook and own website, Google, Instagram and Email Marketing are the next most preferred marketing channels among e-commerce merchants.
~25M Traffic to Participating Merchants' Websites
Close to 25M traffic (unique visitors) visiting and making purchases on merchants' websites have been recorded during #MYCYBERSALE 2017. The daily traffic trends are very similar to the daily order trends that came out reported earlier.
On #MYCYBERSALE website itself (which acts more like an aggregator), the website traffic peaks on Day #5 of the campaign. Question: Is this due to last minute shopping?
Top Categories, Countries, and Devices Used on #MYCYBERSALE Website
As for the #MYCYBERSALE website, the following represents the top 10 most visited categories by pageviews:
- Fashion
- Electronics
- Electronics Accessories
- Travel
- Baby & Kids
- Beauty & Wellness Services
- Health & Beauty
- Marketplace
- Food & Beverage
- Books & Media
Besides Malaysia, the top visiting countries are from Thailand, Philippines, Singapore and Indonesia. As expected website visitors are using Mobile (64.86%) more than Desktop (26.35%).
That's all for now, hope you find these #MYCYBERSALE results insightful and useful. Stay tuned as we are set to release another infographics compilation that compares the performance of #MYCYBERSALE 2017 VS its previous editions.
This infographic is compiled by ecInsider and designed by Silver Mouse. While the data is public and owned by PIKOM & MDEC, please contact us first if you wish to republish any part of the infographic above.