Mobile penetration in Malaysia is higher than Indonesia, United States and world's average.
#1. Mobile penetration in Malaysia is higher than Indonesia, United States and world's average
However according to UBS research, Malaysia only rank #4 in Southeast Asia in terms of mobile penetration, behind Singapore, Vietnam and guess what, Cambodia!
#2. 77% of mobile subscriptions in Malaysia are pre-paid
The remaining of 23% of mobile subscriptions are post-paid. 43% of mobile subscriptions are 3G connections.
#3. Smartphone penetration in Malaysia is now 51%
Statistics earlier this year indicate 35% smartphone penetration but now, every 1 in 2 adults in Malaysia are smartphone users according to Google's study.
#4. 42% smartphone users have made a purchase via their phone
Prior to the purchase, 91% smartphone users are using their phone to research products.
#5. Smartphone is most used in the middle of the research phase
Google has provided a further breakdown on how smartphone is being used, with 77% used in the middle of the research phase, compared to the beginning (41%) and immediately before purchase (16%).
#6. 74% play games on their phone
The casual gaming segment has certainly boosted by Facebook and recently LINE, with popular games like LINE POP, LINE PLAY, LINE Rangers, Disney Tsum Tsum etc.
#7. 35% access the Internet only via a smartphone
This group of people is what we call the pure "mobile only" group who are using only mobile rather than PC or tablet to access the Internet.
#8. Smartphone is most used at home, compared to at work and on the go
96% use their smartphone at home, 83% at work and 72% on the go.
#9. Smartphone is most used together with music
Since smartphone is mostly used at home, it is not surprising that smartphone is frequently used while watching TV (43%), just behind listening to music (57%) and using Internet (56%).
#10. 13 million Malaysians are actively using mobile to access social media
That also means that 44% of the population are active social media users on mobile.
#11. More Malaysians are accessing Facebook via mobile
More than 8.7 million (out of 10 million) Malaysians are accessing Facebook via mobile on daily basis, while it is more than 14 million (out of 15 million) on monthly basis.
#12. There are more than 10 million LINE users in Malaysia
LINE has announced in April 2014 of reaching 10 million users in Malaysia, establishing itself as the top 3 mobile messaging app here with WhatsApp and WeChat.
What's next? You might also be interested in mobile-related articles below:
• The state of mobile commerce in Malaysia
• LINE Shopping launched for e-commerce business in Malaysia
• Understanding mobile users, m-commerce, m-payment in Malaysia
Data sources:
• 6 Statistics About Malaysian Smartphone Users That You Need To Know by Google
• 2014 Asia Pacific Digital Overview by We Are Social
• Mobile Malaysia: Ahead of the Pack by On Device Research